Monday, July 27, 2009

sunburst squash

Donna and I have a very prolific sunburst squash (a.k.a. scallop or patty pan squash) plant and i am looking for new and creative ways to cook them. any ideas?

1 comment:

  1. let's see a pic!!
    People love those pattypans because of the shape so stuffing them seems ideal? I'd make some sort of delicious cheesy risotto to put in them. Cut off the top of the PP, drizzle some olive oil and sprinkle some salt on there. Replace the top and wrap in foil, roast for about 20 mins on 400 to soften. Remove some of the insides and use it in your risotto. Stuff that in and bake again with the top off for about 15 minutes or until there's a nice crust, let cool slightly and eat it!
