Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Cream of Refrigerator Soup.

by Donna Dresch

This is a lovely soup to make when you look in the fridge and realize if you don't eat all that crap you are going to waste all that money you spent at the store last week.

This specific recipe is what I made last night.


  • 20 desperate brussel sprouts
  • 1/2 jar of trader joes marinara sauce
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 2 shallots
  • olive oil
  • that soymilk in the fridge, it still smells ok.
  • 1/2 tub of tofu
  • the rest of the frozen corn
  • that veggie broth that becca brought over when i was sick like 3 weeks ago.
  • salt
  • Tabasco (Tabasco is the most important ingredient in all my soups. I think it's the vinegar)


In a large pot sauté the chopped garlic and shallots for five seconds. Add halved Brussel sprouts and toss with the oil, garlic, shallot combo.

Here is an important point in the recipe, at this point you can decide if you really want this soup or eat these soon to be delicious brussel sprouts.

after 2 minutes add the extremely well rinsed cubed tofu. (this still could be a delicious meal....) and cook another couple minutes.
with these cooking it is an excellent time to rummage through the fridge and freezer and cupboards to find what else you need to get rid of.

Now add the container of vegetable broth and bring to a simmer.
Once simmering add the rest of the ingredients except soymilk. Bring the soup back up to a simmer and taste often to adjust for the varying flavors.

Cook until the sprouts (or whatever else is in there) are tender.
Add the soymilk to taste or until the container is empty. Readjust the flavors. (the fancy restaurant lady down the street always asks, "how are they flavors?". Simmer a bit longer, until you have killed any potential soymilk bacteria.

now comes the important part: blending everything.
I like to blend about 2/3rds of the soup, the left behind broth and chunks give the soup more texture when you add the blended portion back into the soup.

garnish with Molly's cheese that you made last week.

Bon Appetit!

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